TurboTides Adopts OASIS-AI Optimizer

We are pleased to announce that TurboTides (www.turbotides.com) has adopted our OASIS AI-based Optimizer. The modern TurboTides design systems including Compressor, Turbine, Pump, and Fan all have the AI-Optimizer built-in.  These powerful design packages are now available to the market. Contact info@turbotides.com for more details or a test drive!

Embedding optimization technologies by the turbomachinery software vendors are nothing new. What’s unique here is the OASIS AI Engine…no choice of algorithms, no tuning parameters, just one click!  Benchmarked numerous times, OASIS-AI Optimizer proved to be faster, robust, and dummy-proof. 

If you are a software developer, commercial or in-house, looking to adopt AI capability to smarting your software for your users and drive more value, drop us a note at: info@empowerops.com